
Groups By Location

Small groups meet in various neighborhoods throughout Orange and Riverside Counties. Small groups are a key tool for growing closer to God and to one another. Anyone can join a small group for Bible study, prayer and fellowship. We enjoy studying with the Discovery Bible Study technique allowing for everyone to join in and feel comfortable. A Small Group is a great place for anyone seeking to learn more about trusting and following Jesus, or checking Jesus out for the first time. Whether you’re new to Bible study or a long time student, you will enjoy a small group. E-mail for more details.

Men’s Group

“Brothers in Arms” is our men’s fellowship at the Canyon Church. All men, young men, and boys are welcome. This is a time where we eat together, encourage one another in the Word, and be transparent with one another in an attempt to grow into God’s men.

Women’s Group

Our women’s fellowship is designed to build close-knit bonds. We strive to build each other up in faith, hope and love. We gather periodically for devotionals, fellowship and service projects.

Women’s Group

Men and women meet at the church building the first Saturday morning each month for prayer and fasting.