Canyon Kids Bible Classes are held each Sunday morning at 9:30am
Everyone is welcome – Cradle Roll through 6th grade
Search below for downloadable Canyon Kids Bible lessons
Upcoming Lesson

March 2nd, 2025
The Life of Christ
NT1L1 Birth of John the Baptist
Past Lessons

- Possess your own, personal Bible in a translation on your reading level. As a non-reading or emergent-reading child, read to them Bible story books. When they become readers, we recommend the NIV. Most children can read this version by 4th grade.
- Memorize the names of the books of the Bible – O.T. and N.T. Whether they sing it or say it, help them memorize it together.
- Possess the ability to find any book of the Bible within 20 seconds. This is necessary for participating in Bible classes and following sermons. Have them use their own Bible. It is so much easier if they use the same Bible over and again.
- Possess the ability to tell the story of the Bible in a coherent way from Creation to the Church Age. We have a ten-card easy system to assist children in telling this story. A more detailed retelling of the Bible story is on our website called “The Story of the Bible.”
- Memorize and be able to explain the 10 Commandments. These are the most critical moral codes of the Bible, nine of which are re-instituted in the N.T.
- Faithfully attend the Bible class at their level. Right now, online. Parents, this is your responsibility, not your child’s! For public schools, the average attendance is 95%. Why should it be any less for your child’s Bible class?
- Possess the ability to explain justification by faith in simple terms. This needs to happen before they leave 6th grade.
Teacher Resources
Canyon teachers, click below to access our resource materials. If you need access please contact us!